Copyright Natalie's Skinny Pigs 2010

   Baldwin Pairs 

All pregnant sows recieve daily oxbow 100 gram Vitamin C tablets and Calcium Supplement. They are given extra alfalfa hay since it contains more energy, protein, and calcium then most grass hays. Pregnant sows also recieve fresh fruits daily and are seperated as soon as I feel movement which keeps them less stressed  in their last few weeks of pregnancy. Just like all the rest of my cavies, they recieve unlimited water and pellets at all times.

I will not have Baldwin Guinea Pig babies or Baldwin Gene Carrier babies until around September 2010. If you are still interested then contact me about being put on the waiting list for Baldwin Babies.

Pair #1        Nile and Alfalfa

Nile River
Alfalfa Hay
Date Paired:
June 17th
Month Expected:
Aug / Sep

* Will have 1st Generation Baldwin Gene Carriers *

Pair# 2        Emma and Alfalfa

Emma Sparks
Alfalfa Hay
Date Paired:
July 1st
Month Expected:

* Expecting Baldwins and 3rd Generation Carriers *

Pair# 3         Holiday and Spazz

Holiday Cheer
Spazz Out
Date Paired:
July 1st
Month Expected:

* Expecting Baldwins and Gene Carriers *
Natalie's Skinny Pigs